ServicesMaterial processing centre - comprehensive services

Laser cutting 2D

Currently, laser technology offers many new possibilities in the field of metal sheets processing. Laser cutting doesn't mean only a precision, but also a speed of execution and ecological (less harmful gases emitted during laser processing) and economic (reduces the costs of production) benefits.
In our company, we perform laser cutting in 2D and 3D technology. Let's start with the first one.

Undoubtedly, the advantage of the 2D laser cutting method is its affordable price and exceptional precision. It is usually used for cutting flat elements of various thicknesses, such as metal sheets.

At Metalmix at our customers disposal we have TruLaser 3040laser cutting machine produced by German concern TRUMPF.

A laser cutting machine has following parameters of cutting:

  • structural steel – thickness up to 20 mm
  • stainless steel - thickness up to 15 mm
  • aluminium - thickness up to 10 mm.

At Metalmix the dimensions of working area of our laser cutting machine are: 4000 x 2000 mm.

In our stock you will find following material:

  • structural steel
  • stainless steel
  • galvanized steel
  • Aluminium.

Laser cutting of metal sheets using 2D technology it's first of all a possibility of cutting parts in contactless process. Combined with high precision it allows to execute even the most demanding and complex projects what would not be possible using other methods known so far.

Requests for quotation or orders  can be sent to Metalmix by e-mail:
Please provide files with technical data of your project or accordingly to individual arrangements in CAD format (.dwg or .dxf files).

Material processing centre

– comprehensive services


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